Does Your Cat LOVE You? 😻 How Can You Know?


While cats have a reputation for being

Independent creatures. Those who share

their lives with pussycats know this is

not entirely true. They have many

different social interactions with us

and even seem to show us affection.

 Here I will try to explain that how cats feel?

What is their bond with humans?

 And how

do we know if they love us?

Do cats have feelings?

Knowing where the

cats feel love requires us to consider

the certain subtle distinction of their behavior.

Distinguishing the cognizance of the

world from a rope, we can be clear from

the outset. However, that cats can create

very strong attachments.

 Attachment is an

emotional bond of great intensity

between individuals. It provides security,

comfort, and nourishment and can last a lifetime.


The attachment arises when the individual understand they

have a

protective figure who will be there



For this reason, is not common for a

cat to seek emotional support from you.


Links between cats and humans

 A study conducted at the University

of Oregon

showed that the bonds cats form with

their guardians are similar to those

children create with their parents. We

shouldn't think this to be strange if we

look at the situation. Objectively, we see

that attachment is a survival mechanism is seen in

various species. Many living beings hold on tight emotionally to what helps

them to survive

in nature.

 There is a process called

detachment, when the young mature


mother begins to distance herself from

them and forces them to become

independent. For always, when you adopt a cat

this does not happen the human companion

becomes and remains a protective figure

without whom the cat could not survive.

Cats associate you with positive

experiences each time they see. It generates a great

feeling of confidence and tranquility. If you leave her side or

put them in a completely foreign environment, they will

feel insecure and

stress. Since they have lost their base

of security.


The love hormone

 There is a hormone

responsible for both cats and humans

feeling affection. We're talking about

oxytocin, a substance

secreted by the

pituitary gland responsible for creating

and maintaining relationships of

friendship and accessory. This hormone

of love is responsible for many mammals

feeling good when they are in the company

and interacting with others of the same or

different species.

 How do I know if my 

 cat love me?

 You will likely love your

cat but may wonder if this love is

reciprocal? This is partly because cats

express their affection in different

ways to humans. When we provide food,

security, and everything else the cat

needs to live well they will respond

with love.

 To know this is what they are trying to show we

need to look at the main signs;

  •  A cat loves you if your cat

purrs when you approach and pet them.

They stretch out and show their belly or

simply sleep next to you. It means they

feel safe in your company.

  •  If they want

to play bring you dead animals stare at

you, lick you lift them- When they see

you and follow your bite, they are

Showing you their love.

 All these gestures are great displays of affection.



  1. Interesting, so it's a oxytocin, cats are really great when care properly.


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