How Should Muslims View Dogs? | Wrong Ideas About the relation between Muslims and Dogs


What was the prophet's
attitude towards dogs? 
 What are the limits around dealing with dogs and how should a Muslim woman respond?
 If they're always around dogs how
should they deal with the situation. 
 Most people who get the impression
that Muslims somehow have something
against dogs. So, we need to go back and
see where this comes from.
There are some traditions that mentioned
that the Prophet peace be upon him
ordered dogs to be killed and then, he
made an exception only  for the
sheepdog with a guard dog or the hunting
dog. But if one were to start with things
in order like first we look at the Quran
to see if the Quran says anything about
dogs and then we go to the traditions
and we put everything together
well the Quran actually doesn't say
anything negative about dogs. In fact,
there is something positive because in
the story of the youth who hid in the
cave in the 18th chapter of the Quran.
 We have it that they
had a companion a dog and many
commentators say that this dog will also
be in paradise. Now, we know that nothing
impure or unclean will be in paradise
 but this dog will  be there. So
some will say ok but God will make this
dog pure shall be in paradise but
nevertheless the Quran does not show
anything negative about the dog and
doesn't show that the dog is impure. 

On the other hand, there is actually 
mentioned in the Quran that the food
that is procured for Muslims through by
means of their hunting animals is
permissible to eat. This is specifically
mentioned in the fourth verse of the
fifth chapter of the Quran and among the
hunting animals there were dogs at the
So, it is well known that the dog
would go, hunt the animal, bring it back
to the or at least retrieve the animal
that may have been killed by a spear or
arrow, the dog would go retrieve it and
bring it. So, the dog comes with the
animal in its mouth something the saliva
of the dog is impure. But this seems to
speak against that because
obviously the saliva of the dog gets
mingled with the meat which it brings to
its master. 
So from the Quranic
perspective that doesn't seem to be
anything wrong with dogs and dogs may be
good hunting animals in the meat that
they bring in their mouths are good for
Muslims  to eat  after
So where this idea comes from that dogs
somehow impure well it could be as
Yes, it could be that at the
time there were some dogs which were
rabid and the best way of dealing with
that situation to protect the population
was to euthanize some dogs. And as people not
remember the tradition they just
remembered that dogs were euthanized
without remembering the reason behind it.
So it's not mentioned that the dogs were
rated but that would be a good reason
why dogs were euthanized otherwise
there'd be no good reason. It doesn't
seem to be anything fundamentally wrong
 with dogs. 
That's why exception was made for the
hunting dogs and the guard dogs and so on, because they perform some
useful purposes.

 Nowadays we know that
dogs perform many more valuable services.
You could have a dot guide dog. For
example, a person with no eyes skin can  have a dog as his eyes and
such a person should be allowed to
attend the mosque or to attend any
Islamic service.
 So Muslims should not have to react with this kind of negative reactions 
every time when they see a dog.

